Thank you for participating in Applying the Latest Evidence and NCCN Guideline Recommendations in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma.

Please answer the following questions to help us measure knowledge gains and identify areas of educational need for future programs.


Patient Case 1: Patient With CLL Previously Treated With BTK Inhibitor and Venetoclax-Based Therapy

  • 62-yr-old male with CLL was treated with ibrutinib with excellent disease control but developed progressive disease after 4 yr
    • Found to have BTK C481S mutation on further testing
  • Subsequently received treatment with venetoclax + rituximab but developed progressive disease at conclusion of his planned 24 mo of treatment

Patient Case 2: Patient With Previously Untreated CLL

  • 67-yr-old woman was diagnosed incidentally 3 yr ago after screening mammogram identified small LAD and biopsy consistent with CLL/SLL
  • Markers at diagnosis:
    • FISH: 36% deletion of 17p
    • IGHV unmutated
    • TP53 mutation
  • Other medical problems: hypertension; otherwise very active and asymptomatic
  • Progresses over 3 yr with lymphocytosis (45,000-104,000 over past 6 mo), anemia (12.1 g/dL at baseline to 9.7 g/dL), and thrombocytopenia (165K at baseline to 87K); no other causes for lymphocytosis or anemia identified; spleen 17 cm CC on scans; all LNs ≤3 cm
  • Symptomatic with fatigue but continues to work full time and travels frequently
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