Recorded Presentation: Patient Centered Care in Chronic Phase CML - A Multidisciplinary Approach
This webcast with patient-physician video case studies will review the safety and efficacy profile of TKIs, the importance of molecular monitoring, and the significance of response milestones in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The short patient vignettes will consist of clinicians interacting with patients receiving therapy to treat CML. The vignettes and ensuing didactic lecture will demonstrate how clinicians can effectively communicate key clinical aspects of CML management with patients throughout their disease course.
Additional reading: Optimizing Patient Care in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Target Audience
This educational program is designed to meet the educational needs of medical oncologists, community oncologists, oncology fellows, oncology nurses, pharmacists, case managers, and other health care professionals who care for patients with cancer.
Learning Objectives
Following this activity, participants should be able to:
- Select the appropriate TKI for first-line therapy after considering the risks/benefits of each TKI and individual patient characteristics
- Describe the prognostic significance of early molecular response milestones and recognize the importance of monitoring molecular response to TKI therapy as outlined in the NCCN Guidelines
- Summarize the toxicities associated with TKIs and appropriate interventions to manage major side effects and intolerance to treatment
- Evaluate the factors contributing to non-adherence to TKI therapy and effectively communicate with patients the need to take medication as prescribed
- Examine the importance of the multidisciplinary care team embracing the patient as a partner in their care and how this patient-centered approach can positively impact long-term health outcomes
Daniel J. DeAngelo, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Susan L. Buchanan, PA-C, MPH
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Available Credit
- 1.25 Case Manager
- 1.25 Participation
- 1.37 Nurse
- 1.25 Pharmacist
- 1.25 Physician
Required Hardware/software
To access this activity, users will need:
- A device with an Internet connection and sound playback capability
- Adobe Flash Player and/or an HTML5 capable browser for video or audio playback
- Adobe Reader for certificate viewing/printing